Dmitry Kaminskiy Participates in Panel Discussion at British Polo Day in New York
British Polo Day is an annual event that celebrates the history and heritage of Polo, and that brings together high net-worth individuals, as well as key figures in government, diplomacy, company executives and influencers in fashion, art and popular culture in a spirit of communion and philanthropy.
Over the years British Polo Day events have hosted 12 royal families and 100 billionaires. It was inaugurated in 2008 in London, and while it has gone on to hold events in China, Singapore, India, Germany, Abu Dhabi, Dubai and many others, 2018 marked the first year that this landmark event was held in the USA.
During this year's event in New York on June 10 2018, Dmitry Kaminskiy participated in a panel discussion titled “Tech Meets Trust” moderated by Mo Gawdat, former Chief Business Officer for Google X, on the subject of Artificial Intelligence and Longevity.

During the panel discussion Dmitry covered general trends in the emerging Longevity industry, noting the maturity of Geroscience, AgeTech and Precision Preventive Medicine, as well as the increasingly prominent role that AI is having in shaping developments in these fields, and the crucial implications that the Longevity industry will come to have on the financial industry, including pension funds, insurance companies and entire healthcare systems.

He also discussed some of his own work relating to the topic, such as the over 2000-pages analytical reports on the topic of Longevity produced by Aging Analytics Agency, as well as the work being done through the VC firm, Deep Knowledge Ventures, for which he serves as Managing Partner, discussing the groundbreaking work that DKV portfolio company Insilico Medicine is doing, as well as delving into the specific ways in which DKV prioritizes certain projects and portfolio companies.

Kaminskiy’s Keypoints from the “Tech Meets Trust” Panel Discussion
The previous life record of 122,5 years belongs to Joan Calment, who died in 1997, and since that time progress in biomedicine and science of aging (geroscience) made a tremendous move forward, therefore Life Expectancy in now days of 120 years should be considered a norma.
Aging Analytics Agency has been working over the past two years on large-scale research on this topic and recently published a 1500-page report in two volumes - The Science of Longevity and The Business of Longevity, as well as a 850-page follow-up report entitled Longevity Industry in the United Kingdom
These reports cover the gargantuan Longevity industry much more beyond conventional understanding of advanced biomedicine and considering within it any technologies capable of delivering practical applications already now or within next 3 to 5 years timeframe for preventive medicine and the extension of healthy longevity.
These include Geroscience (the science of genetics of aging), AgeTech (the rising industry at the intersection of IT, fintech and elderly care sphere), and P3 medicine (precision personalised preventive medicine).
And also it is providing forecasting on the future of the financial industry in 10 years horizon, how progress in biomedicine will dramatically affect pension funds, insurance companies, healthcare systems and global derivatives industry built on these bases.
We (Deep Knowledge Ventures) started to invest in the Longevity industry already 4 years ago, and from the very beginning our focus was Artificial Intelligence at the intersection with advanced biomedicine.
Nowadays some of our portfolio companies have gone on to achieve world class positions in this arena, in particular Insilico Medicine, the world leader in applying deep learning and next-generation AI, in particular GANs (generative adversarial networks) for drug discovery and the development of biomarkers of aging.
These biomarkers are crucial for aging research and for the entire Longevity industry since they serve as tangible metrics by which to assess the realtime and precise performance of preventive medicine therapeutics.
The real pragmatic way for tangible solutions related to Longevity and extension of healthy longevity will be first of all related with advanced AI systems being applied to biomedicine.
Aging is the ultimate evil. To invest in Anti-Aging technologies is the most ethical business, and to donate to longevity research is the most effective form of altruism.
The future of the longevity industry not only has the logical potential to become the wealthiest industry in all of history, but also represents the most ethical way of doing business.
Masayoshi Son of Vision Fund and Jack Ma has publicly declared that people will be able to live 200 years.
We are not so bold yet, and considering these projections from a precise technological point of view applying so-called TRL levels (Technology Readiness Levels), the approach common in aerospace industry or mechatronic for objective forecasting. But accordingly to our analysis TRL of Progressive Biomedicine is capable now to deliver at least 120 years Life Expectancy, in case of developed countries.
The way we prioritize projects is by looking at the number of quality-adjusted life years (QALY) each project can generate. It is the most altruistic cause and the most effective investment. If you add just one year of life to everyone on the planet, you generate over 7 billion QALY.