Aging Analytics Agency Founder Dmitry Kaminskiy Delivers “National Longevity Development Plans” Analytical Report to the
All-Party Parliamentary Group for Longevity at their Official Launch Event in the UK Parliament

On May 7, 2019, Aging Analytics Agency Founder Dmitry Kaminskiy delivered a presentation highlighting major conclusions from the recent “National Longevity Development Plans Global Overview” report at UK Parliament, as part of the official Launch Event for the All-Party Parliamentary Group for Longevity.
Aging Analytics Agency serves as the primary source of analytics and data for the APPG for Longevity, and this new report marks the most significant of its analytical inputs for the APPG produced to date, and follows the delivery of multiple other analytical reports delivered to the APPG, including the 1000+ page second edition of its landmark “Longevity Industry in the UK” report, profiling 260 Companies, 250 Investors, 50 Nonprofits and 25 Research Centres and 55 UK Longevity Influencers and Thought-Leaders.
Speaking at the meeting were Matt Hancock, UK Secretary of State for Health and Social Care and the APPG Chair Rt Hon Damian Green MP and Chair of Advisory Board Lord Geoffrey Filkin CBE.
Commenting on some of the major conclusions of the report, Dmitry Kaminskiy, (Founder of Aging Analytics Agency, and Co-Founder / Head of International Development for Longevity International UK, Secretariat APPG for Longevity), stated: “Given that the Longevity Industry is one of the only sectors where there can be no competitors, but only collaborators, with each counter-parties' efforts serving to further to global good of healthier, more productive lives, our new analytical report gives specific focus on promoting a greater degree of cross-sector collaboration both within nations’ own borders, as well as cross-border cooperation with countries whose unique strengths and resources can be allied for mutually-beneficial Longevity-focused international initiatives, learning from some countries’ previous mistakes, and working to implement the proven best practices of other countries to strengthen the collective Longevity-progressive efforts of all nations together.”