In “Longevity Industry 1.0: Defining the Biggest and Most Complex Industry in Human History”, seasoned Longevity industry professionals Dmitry Kaminskiy and Margaretta Colangelo distill the complex assembly of deep market intelligence and industry knowledge that they have developed over the past 5 years into a full-scope understanding of the global Longevity Industry, showing the public exactly how they managed to define the overwhelmingly complex and multidimensional Longevity Industry for the first time, and how they created a successful framework for Longevity benchmarking and forecasting.
The book features first of its kind coverage of radically new segments and sectors of the rising Longevity Industry, including Longevity Politics and Governance, the rising Longevity Financial Industry (including coverage of AgeTech, WealthTech, HealthTech, and the coming emergence of Longevity Derivatives, Banks, and Stock Exchanges), history and forecasts on the Global Industrialization of Longevity to Scale, and an overview of the near-future trajectory of the Longevity Industry’s evolution to 2025.
2010-2020: Evolution of the Longevity Industry from Zero to 1.0
The Industrialization of Longevity
The Current State of Longevity Science, Business, Finance, and Practical Applications
Longevity Becomes National Priority Item for the Strategic Agenda of Progressive Governments
Transforming the Challenge and Deficit of Aging into the Opportunity and Asset of Longevity
Defining and De-Risking: Hype vs. Reality
2020-2025: DeepTech Engineering The Accelerated Trajectory of Human Longevity - The Blueprint and Pathway from 1.0 to 2.0
Global Industrialization of Longevity to Scale
The Evolution from Longevity Start-ups to Multi-Trillion Dollar Longevity Corporations
How AI Will Replace Doctors by 2025
The Disruption of BioTech and Healthcare by Novel AI-Driven InvestTech Solutions
The Rise of Progressive Longevity MegaHubs
PART I. Longevity Policy and Governance
Longevity Policy and Governance
Longevity Technocracies & MegaHubs
The Rise of Progressive Longevity MegaHubs and Technocracies
Longevity as Major National Priority Item of Progressive Governments’ Strategic Agendas
The Emergence of Longevity-Focused Parliamentary Groups and Government Bodies
National Longevity Industrial Strategies and Healthy Longevity Development Plans
How Longevity Will Determine the Outcome of National Elections by the Year 2025
PART II. Longevity Financial Industry
PART III - Longevity Industry
The Longevity Financial Industry:
Longevity Derivatives, Bank, Stock
Exchange and Health as New Wealth
Longevity Embraced by the World’s Biggest Financial Corporations: Investment Banks, Insurance Companies, Pension Funds
AgeTech, WealthTech, HealthTech
The Rise of Longevity Banks, Trusts, Stock Exchanges and Index Funds
Longevity Derivatives: Novel Financial Instruments Tied to the Rising Longevity Industry, Technologies and Entire Economies
The Longevity Financial Industry:
Longevity Derivatives, Bank, Stock
Exchange and Health as New Wealth
Longevity Embraced by the World’s Biggest Financial Corporations: Investment Banks, Insurance Companies, Pension Funds
AgeTech, WealthTech, HealthTech
The Rise of Longevity Banks, Trusts, Stock Exchanges and Index Funds
Longevity Derivatives: Novel Financial Instruments Tied to the Rising Longevity Industry, Technologies and Entire Economies
About the Co-Authors
Innovative Entrepreneur and Investor in the fields of Longevity, Precision Medicine and AI
Co-Founder of Deep Knowledge Ventures, Deep Knowledge Analytics and Aging Analytics Agency
Managing Partner at Longevity.Capital
Head of International Development for the UK All-Party Parliamentary Group for Longevity Secretariat Longevity International UK
Actively Involved in Advancing the Frontiers of Longevity Industry, Finance and Policy on Many Fronts
30+ Years Experience in Executive Management and Entrepreneurship in Silicon Valley
Extensive Track Record of DeepTech Innovation Forecasting
Co-Founder of Deep Knowledge Ventures, Deep Knowledge Analytics and Aging Analytics Agency
Managing Partner at Longevity.Capital
Author of 60+ Articles on the Topics of Longevity, AI and DeepTech
Featured in Forbes, Fierce BioTech, MIT Technology Review and others